1-A Database Management System (DBMS) is
A. Collection of interrelated data
B. Collection of programs to access data
C. Collection of data describing one particular enterprise
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following is not a level of data abstraction?
A. Physical Level
B. Critical Level
C. Logical Level
D. View Level
3. Disadvantages of File systems to store data are:
A. Data redundancy and inconsistency
B. Difficulty in accessing data
C. Data isolation
D. All of the above
4. In an Entity-Relationship Diagram, Rectangles represent
A. Entity sets
B. Attributes
C. Database
D. Tables
5. Which of the following is not a Storage Manager Component?
A. Transaction Manager
B. Logical Manager
C. Buffer Manager
D. File Manager
6. Data Manipulation Language enables users to
A. Retrieval of information stored in the database
B. Insertion of new information into the database
C. Deletion of information from the database
D. All of the above
7. Which of the following is not a Schema?
A. Database Schema
B. Physical Schema
C. Critical Schema
D. Logical Schema
8. Which of the following is Database Language?
A. Data Definition Language
B. Data Manipulation Language
C. Query Language
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following is not a function of DBA?
A. Network Maintenance
B. Routine Maintenance
C. Schema Definition
D. Authorization for data access
10. Which of the following is a Data Model?
A. Entity-Relationship model
B. Relational data model
C. Object-Based data model
D. All of the above
11- Which of the following represents a relationship among a set of values?
A. A Row
B. A Table
C. A Field
D. A Column
12. The column header is referred to as
A. Table
B. Relation
C. Attributes
D. Domain
13. A Relation is a
A. A subset of a Cartesian product of a list of attributes
B. A subset of a Cartesian product of a list of domains
C. A subset of a Cartesian product of a list of tuple
D. A subset of a Cartesian product of a list of relations
14. In mathematical terms, a Table is referred to as
A. Relation
B. Attribute
C. Tuple
D. Domain
15. In mathematical terms, Row is referred to as
A. Relation
B. Attribute
C. Tuple
D. Domain
16. _______ allows us to identify uniquely a tuple in the relation.
A. Superkey
B. Domain
C. Attribute
D. Schema
17. Minimal Superkeys are called
A. Schema keys
B. Candidate keys
C. Domain keys
D. Attribute keys
18. Which of the following is not a Modification of the Database
A. Deletion
B. Insertion
C. Sorting
D. Updating
19. Which of the following is Related to the information?
A. data
B. communication
C. knowledge
D. All of the above
20. Which of the following is an element of the database?
A. data
B. constraints and schema
C. relationships
D. All of the above
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