Codd Rules in RDBMS | Codd’s 12 rules

12 Codd Rules for RDBMS:- Codd Rules for RDBMS were given by E.F Codd which should be satisfied by the DBMS to become an RDBMS. Dr. E.F codd describes the relational model in 1970. He has put 12 rules to describe the Relational Model. 12 Codd’s Rules for RDBMS:- Dr. E.F codd was given 12 codd’s rules which … Read more

Python Features | Python tutorial


Installing and using Python- Download Python 3  from  Now double click on the python installer to install the python. Start  Python editor IDLE  to create a python program from the start menu. Python Features- 1. Easy–to – learn. Python “Hello World “  Program: Type the following code in IDLE, and press F5 o execute. … Read more

DML Commands in SQL

DML Commands in SQL

DML Commands in SQL- This SQL Tutorial focuses on the SQL DML statements. DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements are the SQL, sublanguage that is used for data retrieval and manipulation. Using DML commands you can perform operations such as inserting new rows and updating and deleting the existing rows tables. Data manipulation language(DML Commands) is a core part of … Read more